Irina Mayakina, born in Nizhny Tagil in 1991, immersed herself in the world of painting from an early age, creating magical landscapes. After graduating from the Ural School of Applied Arts and the Ural Academy of Architecture and Art, she overcame the path from apprentice to master, working in workshops as an arts and crafts restorer.
Since 2021 Irina has been breaking new ground in watercolor painting, using the unpredictability of this technique to deeply express her feelings and emotions. Her work has been recognized at numerous exhibitions, including international exhibitions held in Chile, Hungary and throughout Russia.
The philosophy of her painting is simple and poetic: each canvas is a revelation of the soul in contact with the world of beauty. As an artist, Irina tells the story of her life, holding brushes filled with the colors of her experiences and hopes, which fills each work with unique meaning and energy.